So, yeah, um...shoeboxes.
Wow, so much happening...!
My God, where do I start about my past week...I seriously recommend that you get a beer and a cushion before you sit down and read this. Not that anyone will, as I only really use it because I have such an awful memory and can never remember anything major, although I now have readers! :D By the way, the pic is of me and my two best mates, Dan is on the left, and Adrian is on the right, so you and I can both put names to faces. Hope you're happy now.
Annnyyywayyy, right, yeah, I last mentioned Pete's inability to get to Leeds while hungover. Fine, after stropping for a day or two about it and boring my mates with my incessant moaning, I got over it.
So, Wednesday being my day off, I decided to haul ass to Liverpool to surprise him and take him out for dinner, and also have a 'talk'. I had told him that I'd thought about it so assumed he would be expecting me. So I got the train, 2 hours later I'm in Lime Street and his phone is turned off. 2 hours later, the shops have all closed and there's me talking to a Big Issue dude and still Pete's phone is coming up with voicemail. I call his house, he's out according to his ma, so after waiting for even longer I get the train home. He reckoned his phone was on the whole time and his network must have been down or something, yeah. So that was another strike down.
He came up on Saturday, to Leeds, to stay the night. I broke up with him on Sunday morning and won't bore myself with the details. However, I was a bit concerned about how badly he took it. Who am I kidding?; no I'm not. I don't have to care about anyone but myself again. Being selfish is so empowering.
So, back to normal life. No more long distance relationships for me, that was most definitely my last. I may have to move though, there is a serious man drought in Leeds. Sunday aft/evening was spent drinking with Dan (Yellow Card-tastic!) and then we met up with Nick, a bloke I work with, then Dan went home, and I can't remember much else about that. I've been super boring this week, I have no money left (thanks to my wasted Liverpudlian jaunt) although Dan is funding tonight's activities (at The Ship) and tomorrow night I am supposed to be going out with Nick again but I'm not so sure it's going to happen. Friday is either a mate's gig or sleeping, Saturday is a dinner party, and Sunday is a meal. Woo go me.
I'm in two minds at the moment. Half of me wants to carry on fucking everyone about and being a complete bitch to everyone. And the other half wants to be nice to people and stuff. Yesterday was awful: I will never achieve world domination if I carry on helping out people at work and sending shoe boxes to the Ukraine. Oooh, go here, and send one too: Yeah, ok, that's enough of that.
So yeah, I'm back.
Kimmeh xx

My God, where do I start about my past week...I seriously recommend that you get a beer and a cushion before you sit down and read this. Not that anyone will, as I only really use it because I have such an awful memory and can never remember anything major, although I now have readers! :D By the way, the pic is of me and my two best mates, Dan is on the left, and Adrian is on the right, so you and I can both put names to faces. Hope you're happy now.
Annnyyywayyy, right, yeah, I last mentioned Pete's inability to get to Leeds while hungover. Fine, after stropping for a day or two about it and boring my mates with my incessant moaning, I got over it.
So, Wednesday being my day off, I decided to haul ass to Liverpool to surprise him and take him out for dinner, and also have a 'talk'. I had told him that I'd thought about it so assumed he would be expecting me. So I got the train, 2 hours later I'm in Lime Street and his phone is turned off. 2 hours later, the shops have all closed and there's me talking to a Big Issue dude and still Pete's phone is coming up with voicemail. I call his house, he's out according to his ma, so after waiting for even longer I get the train home. He reckoned his phone was on the whole time and his network must have been down or something, yeah. So that was another strike down.
He came up on Saturday, to Leeds, to stay the night. I broke up with him on Sunday morning and won't bore myself with the details. However, I was a bit concerned about how badly he took it. Who am I kidding?; no I'm not. I don't have to care about anyone but myself again. Being selfish is so empowering.
So, back to normal life. No more long distance relationships for me, that was most definitely my last. I may have to move though, there is a serious man drought in Leeds. Sunday aft/evening was spent drinking with Dan (Yellow Card-tastic!) and then we met up with Nick, a bloke I work with, then Dan went home, and I can't remember much else about that. I've been super boring this week, I have no money left (thanks to my wasted Liverpudlian jaunt) although Dan is funding tonight's activities (at The Ship) and tomorrow night I am supposed to be going out with Nick again but I'm not so sure it's going to happen. Friday is either a mate's gig or sleeping, Saturday is a dinner party, and Sunday is a meal. Woo go me.
I'm in two minds at the moment. Half of me wants to carry on fucking everyone about and being a complete bitch to everyone. And the other half wants to be nice to people and stuff. Yesterday was awful: I will never achieve world domination if I carry on helping out people at work and sending shoe boxes to the Ukraine. Oooh, go here, and send one too: Yeah, ok, that's enough of that.
So yeah, I'm back.
Kimmeh xx
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