So, my parents have gone to Scotland. Erm, I'm going up for a few days on Tuesday night. Am in 2 minds about it. There's a lot of crazy sentimental stuff (i.e. exes) related to that part of the country that I may elaborate on later, but I'm pretty crapping myself about going up there!
Work was pants today. Like, really rubbish. It started off okay, then I was on a roll with so many customers that I kept giving so many of my sales away (although I'm on a commission-based pay structure). But, then it just went downhill and I almost never got home and argh! I was so stressed out by the time that I left the shop that I was ready to burst into tears!
Today I was talking with Rob, one of the Deputy Managers at work, and he said I was actually a Manager on Sundays and Mondays, which is a bit scary. He also told me that when he gets promoted to a higher deputy position, I will get his job. Argh!
That's scary man, I don't think I want it. It seems a bit too grown-up, man.
Nick quit on Tuesday which is cool because I don't have to worry about people at work finding out about us.
All in all, it's been a random week. Work's been work. Weds night, I met up with Nick for food (although Dan is my alibi, haha) at Norman, then we joined up with the guys at The Ship before I proceeded to Fab Café and finished up staying at Nick's. What am I all about, man? Living like I'm at Uni isn't so good. Well it is, apart from I don't get any lie-ins!! Thursday was spent monging at Nick's, buying weird stuff at Holland and Barratt's, sitting in Starbucks with Kamran having to justify to him why I broke up with Pete, and then at 5pm I had a work Xmas conference to go to in Manchester. Which was, essentially, the Area Manager Craig kissing the Operations Director's arse a lot, a presentation, and awards giving, then free food and free bar :D Wasn't as good as last year's but still was a laugh :D It's where the photo is from :D
I cooked for Nick last night too, which went to plan, then we just chilled and supped wine. Again, Dan was my alibi there. I don't really want too many people to find out about Nick just yet - only Dan, Ad, Kam, and the guys at work know. I'm so crap with men that I don't want too many people to find out because I'm still not sure about his motives just yet. Cynical I know, but I'm pretty capable of fucking people about, as we well know, so I'm sure he could be too! Luckily, the 'rents are away for the moment. Not sure what's happening when they get back tho!
The shortlisting for China starts tomorrow. I am absolutely babbing myself. I will probably cry if I get an interview, and I will also cry if I don't. Getting this job really means a lot to me at the moment.
Kimmeh x
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