Fun fun fun!
After Nick's performance last night, I most certainly consider myself single!! I'm not gonna reply to Nick's calls or texts, not that he's sent me any. What happened last night, you ask?
Nick and I went out with Pam and Lugsy, 2 of my mates from school - we only ever meet up over Xmas fortnight and sometimes summer, so it's a pretty rare occasion and it needs to be embraced - they both have moved to other parts of the country. I didn't have to invite Nick as I was going anyway, but I said I wanted him to meet my long time friends. If it was me in his position, I'd have been kinda honoured and desperate to make a good impression. Like I did when we went out a few weeks ago and he went all jealous. So, all was good, and after getting lost in Leeds trying to find Lugsy, we went to Fruit Cupboard for my mate's club night...
Pam was driving so not drinking, I have a few voddies and orange but not much and stay sober. However, Nick and Lugsy keep buying rounds. I gave Nick a warning not to piss anyone off - now, I'm not being racist in the slightest but this club has a bit of an atmosphere, we were like the only white people in there, and if you don't go there often, you can be started at like a stranger! So yeah, I was worried about Nick because he can argue sometimes and I thought he'd get started on by someone. I've been started on by a guy in there before! It's just a club full of attitude, although it's a good place to hang.
Anyway, so Nick goes to the bar (again) and this guy next to him spills a little bit of champagne on his sleeve, so he starts kicking off. The guy was sorry, you know, and Nick was like 'whatever' so I had to pinch him and prod him to get his attention to drag him away. We bumped into some of my mates, then we were gonna go as Pam and I were tired. So lugsy goes to the loo, then takes so long so we send Nick to find him. They take about 15 mins. Me and Pam get bored, go find them... the bar!
...doing shots! I'd already told Nick he'd had enough and asked him not to have anymore, nicely - I hate drunken people. I would've thought he was trying to make a good impression with my buddies but no. He was wasted.
Anyway, Pam and I bite our tongues and dance and talk for a bit, while those two are doing more shots. Nick starts being a twat prodding me in the side all the time. I ask him to stop saying im not some zoo specimen and he's drunk so giggles like a girl and carries on, driving me to almost hit him in frustration, then he tries to walk, but without the bar to hold him up, falls over.
Then he wonders why I went off to dance and refused to talk to him. Eventually we go and Nick starts asking whats wrong in the car. I tell him to shut up till we get home, and telling him again he's pissed and I dont like it. We get to my house, get inside, he starts acting like I'm in the wrong (Pam was thinking he was really weird) I tell him whats up, and how he's shown me up in front of my mates, and shouldn't he be trying to make a good impression, and he goes 'so what if I want to get drunk on boxing day? He goest to sleep on the floor and I tell him to get a grip and get into bed, so he does. Then we're ok.
We woke up alright, but when I was getting ready for work, I asked him if he was going to apologise for last night and he said 'no'.
What an idiot, I was so embarassed. And in the words of Adrian:
Adrian says:
I know I can do better, it can't be hard, and it's the second time he's being weird when drunk. If he wanted to get pissed he could've gone out with his mates. He totally ruined my night, I was like babysitting, it was awful, and all he could do was take the piss out of me, you know how wasted people get.
Again, Adrian's mortal wisdom:
Adrian says:
ok, so u have a boyf who smells like a hobo!
Adrian says:
u really can pick them!
So yeah. We now have a man that is surplus to requirements here at
OMG! So much else to go on about but I can't! This post is way long already and I'm going out with the lovely Quinney tonight! As friends you understand, but I've wanted more for 18 months :(
I went out with MJ again last Monday. I dressed down more than I should have done, but we went to Norman for Thai Curry, then onto the cinema, to see Bridget Jones 2 (I should've been wary about a man choosing to see this from the start to be honest). A few kisses and cuddles in the cinema, but after, he gets the bus and I call mum for a lift (how childish!!). We get outside the cinema, and we're going to opposite ends of town. He says he's not getting butterflies about me and him, that he's not really into me, and gave me the 'you're a great girl' line. Yeah thanks. I've never had that said to me before.
Then he left me to walk across the city alone at 11.30pm.
Kimmeh x

After Nick's performance last night, I most certainly consider myself single!! I'm not gonna reply to Nick's calls or texts, not that he's sent me any. What happened last night, you ask?
Nick and I went out with Pam and Lugsy, 2 of my mates from school - we only ever meet up over Xmas fortnight and sometimes summer, so it's a pretty rare occasion and it needs to be embraced - they both have moved to other parts of the country. I didn't have to invite Nick as I was going anyway, but I said I wanted him to meet my long time friends. If it was me in his position, I'd have been kinda honoured and desperate to make a good impression. Like I did when we went out a few weeks ago and he went all jealous. So, all was good, and after getting lost in Leeds trying to find Lugsy, we went to Fruit Cupboard for my mate's club night...
Pam was driving so not drinking, I have a few voddies and orange but not much and stay sober. However, Nick and Lugsy keep buying rounds. I gave Nick a warning not to piss anyone off - now, I'm not being racist in the slightest but this club has a bit of an atmosphere, we were like the only white people in there, and if you don't go there often, you can be started at like a stranger! So yeah, I was worried about Nick because he can argue sometimes and I thought he'd get started on by someone. I've been started on by a guy in there before! It's just a club full of attitude, although it's a good place to hang.
Anyway, so Nick goes to the bar (again) and this guy next to him spills a little bit of champagne on his sleeve, so he starts kicking off. The guy was sorry, you know, and Nick was like 'whatever' so I had to pinch him and prod him to get his attention to drag him away. We bumped into some of my mates, then we were gonna go as Pam and I were tired. So lugsy goes to the loo, then takes so long so we send Nick to find him. They take about 15 mins. Me and Pam get bored, go find them... the bar!
...doing shots! I'd already told Nick he'd had enough and asked him not to have anymore, nicely - I hate drunken people. I would've thought he was trying to make a good impression with my buddies but no. He was wasted.
Anyway, Pam and I bite our tongues and dance and talk for a bit, while those two are doing more shots. Nick starts being a twat prodding me in the side all the time. I ask him to stop saying im not some zoo specimen and he's drunk so giggles like a girl and carries on, driving me to almost hit him in frustration, then he tries to walk, but without the bar to hold him up, falls over.
Then he wonders why I went off to dance and refused to talk to him. Eventually we go and Nick starts asking whats wrong in the car. I tell him to shut up till we get home, and telling him again he's pissed and I dont like it. We get to my house, get inside, he starts acting like I'm in the wrong (Pam was thinking he was really weird) I tell him whats up, and how he's shown me up in front of my mates, and shouldn't he be trying to make a good impression, and he goes 'so what if I want to get drunk on boxing day? He goest to sleep on the floor and I tell him to get a grip and get into bed, so he does. Then we're ok.
We woke up alright, but when I was getting ready for work, I asked him if he was going to apologise for last night and he said 'no'.
What an idiot, I was so embarassed. And in the words of Adrian:
Adrian says:
I know I can do better, it can't be hard, and it's the second time he's being weird when drunk. If he wanted to get pissed he could've gone out with his mates. He totally ruined my night, I was like babysitting, it was awful, and all he could do was take the piss out of me, you know how wasted people get.
Again, Adrian's mortal wisdom:
Adrian says:
ok, so u have a boyf who smells like a hobo!
Adrian says:
u really can pick them!
So yeah. We now have a man that is surplus to requirements here at
OMG! So much else to go on about but I can't! This post is way long already and I'm going out with the lovely Quinney tonight! As friends you understand, but I've wanted more for 18 months :(
I went out with MJ again last Monday. I dressed down more than I should have done, but we went to Norman for Thai Curry, then onto the cinema, to see Bridget Jones 2 (I should've been wary about a man choosing to see this from the start to be honest). A few kisses and cuddles in the cinema, but after, he gets the bus and I call mum for a lift (how childish!!). We get outside the cinema, and we're going to opposite ends of town. He says he's not getting butterflies about me and him, that he's not really into me, and gave me the 'you're a great girl' line. Yeah thanks. I've never had that said to me before.
Then he left me to walk across the city alone at 11.30pm.
Kimmeh x
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