I Want You To Notice When I'm Not Around...

Damian Rice's voice is amazing; I'm listening to his version of Radiohead's 'Creep' at the moment, it's a bit more tasteful, although the Radiohead rendition will always be superior.
Yes, you are not mistaken, that's another photo of Tianjin. Hope I get some mental pics like that when I go over. The last decent photograph that I took of any architecture is this, of Angel of the North, near Newcastle:

I have been reinspired with photography. Creativity is missing from my life, and I haven't really picked up my camera since my break-up with Ally in June. So the trusty SLR and digital cameras are coming to China with me, and I'm maybe going to go around Leeds on Sunday with my camera to collect some learning materials for my classes - to take photos of buildings in the city. I've had a bit of exposure to more artistic people in the past few weeks and I really should sort it out!
Today had been pretty surreal. I got up about 4.30. I left the house at about 5.40am. I got the train to Derby about 6.10am. I got to Derby about 7.20am. I got to my final destination at 8.10am.
I went to Rolls-Royce in Derby today for my teacher training, to get my Visa sorted, etc., and to meet the rest of the teachers who I'll be flying out to China with, to work in the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).
I think there's 10 of us in total, some going to Shanghai, a couple going to Beijing, some going to Guanzhou, and then another place I can't think of. There's two other chicks coming to teach at the CAUC (Civil Aviation University of China) with me: Alexandra and Lorraine, both from Derby area, have both travelled in America. In fact, most people had travelled, but nobody in the group has been to a non-Anglophone country, therefore I'm the only one with an extra language. Well, Lorraine speaks a bit of Mandarin, which could prove useful. Everyone seems really nice, we had a bit of a laugh, so it was really useful to meet the rest of the group - now I have others for moral support!Apparently my accomodation will be quite good too - in my apartment I'll have stuff like a TV (with English channels!), Internet (or at least a computer), microwave, washing machine, the usual furnishings, my own cleaner...although, of course it will be nothing like over here!
I fly at 5.30pm on Tues 15th Feb, from Heathrow, so now I've got an official date and time and everything - it feels a bit more real now...! And I only have 11 days left at Dixons too - well, I finish 2 weeks on Saturday.
I also found out that chocolate should be available in Tianjin - there's a few Expat stores :D
Dan's been a bit strange again. He's doing his whole 'I don't have time for you anymore' thing again. I think I must just attract weird blokes. When I walked into Rolls-Royce today, Liz (interview and trainer type person, really nice) asked if I came with my boyfriend. That would have meant Nick. I said no, and that we had broken up since I last spoke to her. I told her it wouldn't have worked (although at the time I wanted to give it a go while I was over there before I discovered what a prick he is). She told me about a girl who went to China prior to me, whose boyfriend was less than impressed about her going and wanted to call it off, but ended up staying together and visiting her out there. Like that was ever gonna happen with me and him!
It's a really weird thought when I think I will remain single for the next seven months. I mean, I really believe in fate, I could meet my soulmate in the next four weeks, but who'd be interested in staying in touch with me while I'm halfway across the world? It's a rather bizzare feeling.
I mean, since when do people plan their relationships like that, allotting time slots to singledom? I have no interest in Oriental men - that's not meaning to sound bad, I just have never found one attractive, I prefer Caucasians.
Oh, I've also been asked to model for someone :p He won't be saying that after we've been out on Thursday night though :p
Kim x
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