Ghost towns and Iggy Pop
I've revisited a website I haven't seen in ages. It's here: and is a really good read. It's all about the remains of the Tchernobyl nuclear disaster, and the author visits the abandoned town of Pripyat, which was evacuated after the nuclear reactor went haywire. I reckon you should educate yourself and take a look. You never know when it will come in handy at the pub quiz!
My family, being Ukrainian and Belorussian, are from the region, so it kind of hits home, the photos are really eerie too, it's really interesting. I have never been to the Ukraine but would love to go, maybe I'll go on my birthday, which is quite luckily spread over Easter (b'day is on Easter Monday - get in!) I'm probably not going to have any kind of man to whisk me off my feet and take me away anywhere, so I should probably harass my best mates into coming alone and investigating Eastern European beer! Well, it's more like vodka in that region I guess.
I wonder if I would feel at home in the Ukraine. I feel at home in Scotland, and that's where mum's family are from.
I have totally worked all weekend. Instead of Customer Services at work, I've been put back into the Sales Team again...but I'm hunting for a new job, and looking at Uni so long as I get sufficient Postgraduate funding...
Still not sure what's going on with Nick, keep speaking to each other on the phone, said he was missing me on Friday night, so yeah, every night, well, except tonight. Haven't really spoken to him this weekend, but his ex-girlfriend is visiting I think, so that probably explains things!! He wants me to go and visit this week on my days off, so that means tomorrow night, but he's leaving it very short notice so don't think I'll be going to Notts this week. Ah well, it's not like he's the King of Interested In Kim anyway, and even if he was, he's got a funny way of showing it!!
Went out with Dan last night. I haven't seen him in ages, he's been ill with flu and possible pneumonia. He's not been answering some of my calls and messages, but last night he reassured me that his stalker is still doing his box in majorly and his phone has been in silent mode. I thought this was a blatent excuse but went out last night anyway, and gave him my b'day pressent, and he gave me a cool book! We went to Headingley and had a good laugh - Dan always cracks me up and puts me back into a good mood again. Thing is, the way I know he was telling the truth was that in the car after he dropped me off at my house, well, we always have a massive hug, and he kissed my hair. Then we talked a bit, then had another hug, and then he kissed my neck or some other part of my head.
We have had a really weird relationship over the past 7 months since we became friends. Dan would make a really good guy to settle down with. He's just one of those blokes. Weird.
Kim x

I've revisited a website I haven't seen in ages. It's here: and is a really good read. It's all about the remains of the Tchernobyl nuclear disaster, and the author visits the abandoned town of Pripyat, which was evacuated after the nuclear reactor went haywire. I reckon you should educate yourself and take a look. You never know when it will come in handy at the pub quiz!
My family, being Ukrainian and Belorussian, are from the region, so it kind of hits home, the photos are really eerie too, it's really interesting. I have never been to the Ukraine but would love to go, maybe I'll go on my birthday, which is quite luckily spread over Easter (b'day is on Easter Monday - get in!) I'm probably not going to have any kind of man to whisk me off my feet and take me away anywhere, so I should probably harass my best mates into coming alone and investigating Eastern European beer! Well, it's more like vodka in that region I guess.
I wonder if I would feel at home in the Ukraine. I feel at home in Scotland, and that's where mum's family are from.
I have totally worked all weekend. Instead of Customer Services at work, I've been put back into the Sales Team again...but I'm hunting for a new job, and looking at Uni so long as I get sufficient Postgraduate funding...
Still not sure what's going on with Nick, keep speaking to each other on the phone, said he was missing me on Friday night, so yeah, every night, well, except tonight. Haven't really spoken to him this weekend, but his ex-girlfriend is visiting I think, so that probably explains things!! He wants me to go and visit this week on my days off, so that means tomorrow night, but he's leaving it very short notice so don't think I'll be going to Notts this week. Ah well, it's not like he's the King of Interested In Kim anyway, and even if he was, he's got a funny way of showing it!!
Went out with Dan last night. I haven't seen him in ages, he's been ill with flu and possible pneumonia. He's not been answering some of my calls and messages, but last night he reassured me that his stalker is still doing his box in majorly and his phone has been in silent mode. I thought this was a blatent excuse but went out last night anyway, and gave him my b'day pressent, and he gave me a cool book! We went to Headingley and had a good laugh - Dan always cracks me up and puts me back into a good mood again. Thing is, the way I know he was telling the truth was that in the car after he dropped me off at my house, well, we always have a massive hug, and he kissed my hair. Then we talked a bit, then had another hug, and then he kissed my neck or some other part of my head.
We have had a really weird relationship over the past 7 months since we became friends. Dan would make a really good guy to settle down with. He's just one of those blokes. Weird.
Kim x
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